Congratulations to all fifth graders who participated in the Simulated Congressional Hearing!  You did an exceptional job and represented Flower Valley well.  The judges were extremely impressed with your knowledge of the Constitution and the staff and parents are so proud of you.

A big congrats to Unit 4 winners, Mark, Drew, Alyson, and Patricia.  You did an amazing job!  I'm proud of all my Unit 4 students and hope that you will remember this experience for a long time. 

Tomorrow is our field trip to the MD Science Center in Baltimore.  Be sure to bring a snack and a lunch.  Have a good night. 
Happy Birthday to Alyson and Mr. Rose!  Hope you both have a wonderful day!

More Birthdays!


Happy Belated Birthday to Dorothy (5/6) and Happy Birthday to William (5/9)!  Hope you enjoy it!